Guaranteed Results With Tips From an Expert Painting Contractor

Winter Exterior Painting

It’s no secret that winter poses unique challenges for any painting job, inside or outside of the home. That’s why painting a home’s exterior in cold weather requires special attention and preparation on the part of the painting contractor. To ensure a successful winter paint job and long-lasting results, here are some tips from the pros.

Clean and Prep

Before starting any painting project, it’s important to thoroughly clean the surfaces to be painted and prep them properly. In cold weather, this is especially true since dirt, debris, and mildew buildup can be harder to detect, and harder to clean up effectively. Make sure to scrape off any loose paint, sand any rough patches, and take the time to clean the surfaces prior to painting.

Consider Temperature

Temperature is the biggest challenge when painting in cold weather. Paint won’t adhere properly to surfaces that are too cold, and high temperatures can cause the paint to dry too quickly. The ideal temperature for painting outdoors in winter is around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the temperature and humidity levels before beginning to make sure the weather is within range.

Insulate and Protect

Insulating the area with drop cloths to keep in the heat can help when painting in cold weather. Also, take extra precautions to protect any objects from paint splatter, such as covering up furniture with tarps.


Using the proper paint, materials, and tools will ensure the best results for a painting job in cold weather. Make sure to use paint that is specifically formulated for the type of surface being painted, and choose good-quality brushes, rollers, and tape.

Save Yourself the Trouble and Hire Us!

No matter the time of year, when you’re looking for a professional painting contractor, you won’t go wrong in turning to Killeen Drywall and Painting. Our dedicated team of experts provides professional services that get the job done right the first time. Our services are designed to deliver reliable and consistent results all year round. Those in Killeen, TX can easily book our reliable services by simply calling us at (254) 284-1431!

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